Friday, July 11, 2008

Frozen Realm

At level 51 I ventured, for the first time, into Frozen Realm. My guild mates helped me complete the dungeon and we killed all 3 bosses. Unfortunately I didn't know about the level 52 quest for Frozen Realm : ( This is the most confusing dungeon I've been in, and I couldn't even find where we were when I checked the map. Luckily someone else in the party did.

After looking at the video I managed to figure out the path we took and where we encountered all the bosses, and made up this map (I accidentally spelled "Fusha" "Fush"). Hope it will help you be less confused while traveling through this dungeon.

(Click to Enlarge)


Anonymous said...

Yes the level 52 secret book quest is a nasty one and people are often caught out by this.

The other one that can be tricky to get is the one for the tokens where you have to kill terrawraith koradji and other mobs (not sure of the exact name of the tokens/mobs)

This is a great guide, I get so lost in this dungeon too so this helps a great deal :)

- Geralt - said...

I got caught by it too, but thx a lot, this map and vid were very helpfull

Anonymous said...

i will going in Frozen realm this weekend. I not sure I (WB61) can tank those bosses or not. Hope i can go thru.

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